Toon: All Projects Activities
The brothers who take care of the courses do this in addition to their regular work. They do not find enough time for the work in their fields and therefore receive some financial ...
- Local brothers who speak English, Zulu and Afrikaans fluently - Integration of the brothers and sisters from Congo into the South African society, to build up more contacts for ...
The Bible Centre in Randburg was opened in 2008 by brothers and sisters who had come from Congo to Randburg to make a living.
There was a great need for a Bible Centre and a meeting hall in Mombasa, Kenya. The brothers and sisters had meetings in a former henhouse. We are grateful that from 2013 we hav ...
We are grateful that Bible Centres in Kigali, Nyamata and Kamembe have been built and put into use over the last few years.
In de afgelopen jaren zijn in elk land stichtingen opgericht, waarvan meerdere lokale broeders en twee adviseurs uit het buitenland het bestuur vormen.