Bible Centres in Kigali, Nyamata and Kamembe and Rwanda
We are grateful that Bible Centres in Kigali, Nyamata and Kamembe have been built and put into use over the last few years.
The second floor of the Bible Centres in Kigali and Kamembe are used for Bible conferences and children’s and youth meetings. This work is expanding through:
more and more children’s and youth camps
Bible conferences, and conferences on marriage and family life
spiritual and socio-medical work among orphans and children of needy families.
In the capital of Rwanda we rent a Bible Centre, part of which had also been used as a meeting room for a longer period of time. Due to the sharp rise in rents and a new spatial planning policy in the city of Kigali, we prayed for a solution. Now we have the same facilities as in Kamembe.
The Bible Centre, including the meeting hall, is large enough for the increasing number of brothers, sisters and interested people who attend the Bible conferences—as well as for the youth camps, meetings for the orphans we support, and a room for printing literature like the magazine for young sisters, “Mathētria”.
As a result of new building requirements, the meeting hall in Ntarama had to be closed. However, the necessary funds were provided for the construction of a new meeting room and Bible Centre in nearby Nyamata.