All Nations foundation receives donations that enable us to teach the Word of God and preach the gospel, both orally and in writing. Bible conferences and youth camps are regularly organised, after which brochures on the taught topics are often distributed in several languages.
The preaching of the gospel
The main objectives are:
- Preaching the gospel as it is presented in the Bible: repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
- Giving teaching from the Bible about Christian life, involving:
– the individual aspect through subjects like repentance, forgiveness of sins, salvation, reconciliation with God, justification, etc. and
– the collective aspect through subjects like the assembly of God, meetings of believers, their worldwide ties of unity, etc. - Distribution of sound literature and teaching how to read and write in several languages in order to achieve and support these objectives
- Offering socio-medical help through small-scale projects and first aid clinics in combination with sound Bible teaching
- Providing socio-medical help in the countries where we work in close cooperation with local brothers who supervise appropriate investment of microcredit
All Nations foundation is mainly involved in countries in East and South Africa. In this area, believers from several continents are active. A report of each country is available, composed of newsletters from the last few years.
Work area
All Nations foundation works mainly in areas of East and South Africa. In our field, believers from various continents are active.