The current missionary work was started by Ernie and Marilyn Barnes in 1990. The Lord blessed their work, and many people came to repentance, especially young people, and local assemblies came into being in the city of Mombasa and the Njega (above Nairobi) and Siaya (Northwest Kenya). Ernie felt the need for regular, systematic biblical teaching and asked Hilvert Wijnholds to come and help them several times. In the late nineties, Hilvert was able to make his first visit and became more and more involved in the work in Kenya.
Special needs:
- Systematic biblical teaching
- Construction of a Christian bookshop and meeting hall in Mombasa
- Assisting young brothers in children’s and youth work, and youth camps
- Spiritual and practical support of local workers
- Regular visits in North-west Kenya by brothers from East Uganda and from Europe and America.