Stichting Aan Alle Volken
“This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works” (Titus 3:8)
These Bible conferences give the brothers and sisters, and young people as well, the opportunity to be occupied with the Word of God.
In many villages, the inhabitants hardly speak or understand English and French.
More and more young people leave their villages and small towns (too) early, to continue their studies in the big city.
Marriage and family life is being disrupted increasingly everywhere today, and in Africa as well. This is caused by traditions that deviate from the Word and through influences fro ...
Foundation All Nations
All Nations foundation receives donations that enable us to teach the Word of God and preach the gospel, both orally and in writing. Bible conferences and youth camps are regularly...
Thousands of children in East and South Africa have no opportunity to attend a primary school, particularly orphans and children from poor families.

Tina Evelyn
9 years
Thembo Amos
0 years
Singoma David
0 years
Samuel Noah
0 years
Natukunda Genevieve
0 years
Mumbere Moise
0 yearsWould you like to use the opportunity to reach many children with the gospel in several countries?
Marriage and family life is being disrupted increasingly everywhere today, and in Africa as well. This is caused by traditions that deviate from the Word and through influences from western society. Therefore these conferences meet a real need, especially for young families and their children.
Report HIV Western Uganda (August 2020)
1 September 2020
Bible Conference Centre in Busia, East Uganda
Mike DeJonge and John Redekop were able to accompany me to Busia in February 2020. These two brothers wrote the following about their visit: During the weeks of February 5- 17, we were able to meet with responsible national brethren to have an open discussion regarding the construction of the proposed Bible Centre in Busia. The ...
13 March 2020
Bible Conference Centre BCC), Mputu, Northeastern Congo
We are very thankful for the help of our brothers Larry Stassel (USA), John Redekop and his son Jason, and Mike deJonge (Canada). From the very beginning they were involved in the planning and implementation of the building activities. Without their technical supervision and help, the brothers and sisters would not have the current buildings.
10 July 2018